
Never trust your mute. I mean NEVER. Not in a phone line-based class, not when using your Bluetooth headset, the built-in microphone on your laptop, or earbuds. NEVER. If you’re watching TV during that important session, we will find out. Ditto if you yell at your kids, swear at your dog, crunch on your breakfast, or flush your toilet (but thanks for washing your hands).

When you’re retired, you don’t live in the fast lane. In fact, my wife, Sue, and I are on the side of the road with a flat tire. The tradeoff is that you can’t get fired from a job you don’t have.

News agencies across the region, the nation and throughout the world often reach out to our faculty experts for their perspectives on today's issues.

When COVID-19 disrupted campuses across the nation, in-person classes quickly folded. UD leaders not only recognized the threat to learning, they knew community, fundamental to everything UD, needed their support.

Sometimes I forget I’m old. Fortunately, I work with first graders so they remind me of this on a regular basis.