Undergraduate Licensure, Certificate and Endorsement Programs
Additional licensure option for students who successfully complete the Pre-Kindergarten to Grade 5 (EPC) program. People earning this license are qualified to teach children ages 3-10 who have mild or moderate-to-intensive needs. In order for the University of Dayton to approve the state of Ohio teaching license application, the candidate must have on file in the SEHS dean's office passing scores on the required state of Ohio licensure test. Note: This is an Educator Preparation program (leading to a State of Ohio-issued license).
Will allow teachers in self-contained fourth and fifth grade classrooms to teach the subjects of mathematics, science and social studies. Students enrolled in an early childhood education program may complete the coursework for the early childhood generalist endorsement as a focus area for their undergraduate degree. In order for the University of Dayton to approve the state of Ohio endorsement application, applicants must have on file in the SEHS dean's office passing scores on the state of Ohio licensure tests.
Can be added to an intervention specialist or early childhood education license; allows teachers to teach children ages 3-5 who have mild or moderate-to-intensive needs. Students enrolled in an early childhood education program may complete the coursework for the prekindergarten special needs endorsement as a focus area for their undergraduate degree. In order for the University of Dayton to approve the state of Ohio endorsement application, candidates must have on file in the SEHS dean's office passing scores on the state of Ohio licensure tests.
Designed for UD undergraduate students enrolled in any major. Includes courses from the departments of Teacher Education and Religious Studies and prepares students with historical, cultural, catechetical and spiritual background that is particularly relevant for students interested in teaching in Catholic schools or pursuing parish ministry. Embedded within the program are opportunities for preservice teacher education students to develop competencies and dispositions that are considered desirable by Catholic school administrators, while for others it may provide experience that may help the student to discern a call to a career in Catholic education or in another ecclesial area. Note: This certificate alone does not meet the requirements for teacher licensure in the State of Ohio.

Provides knowledge and practical application of skills for instructing students with dyslexia within the regular classroom. This certification is IDA Accredited Plus by the International Dyslexia Association. Teacher Education students enrolled in a licensure program may choose to add the dyslexia certificate to their coursework. Note: This is a UD-issued certificate and does not represent state licensure.
Provides knowledge and skills required of program administrators, supervisors, teacher leaders and advocates for effective leadership and advocacy in a variety of early childhood settings. Students enrolled in an Early Childhood Education license program may complete the coursework for the Early Childhood Leadership and Advocacy certificate as a focus area for their undergraduate degree.
Comprised of five 3-semester hour courses that are offered online. Coursework may be taken as a stand-alone certificate or may be applied to a degree in Early Childhood Leadership and Advocacy. While the program offers a credential that incorporates research-based practice for any infant and toddler professional, the program was designed with input from Early Head Start professionals. Assignments are tied to the students work with infants and toddlers and serve as a catalyst for continuous improvement.
Designed to have pre-service teachers take a variety of courses, including a heavy requirement for mathematics and science courses. The senior year methods classes in mathematics and science are now focusing on the integration of these topics through the lens of the engineering process. Application of the available technology now present in Fitz Hall provides an opportunity to imbue pre-service teachers with opportunities to put technology into their teaching. The focus on the STEM fields in the teacher preparation programs addresses the Habits of Inquiry document because students and faculty are observing the signs of the time as they become proficient in integrating across disciplines to use solve problems. The Department of Teacher Education will recognize the cross-disciplinary work of UD teacher education students in three licensure areas with a STEM Certificate, which acknowledges they are knowledgeable in the area of STEM education.
Interdisciplinary program, drawing from courses in the departments of Teacher Education, English and Global Languages and Cultures. The program is designed for current University of Dayton students enrolled in any major. It prepares students to teach English as an additional language in postsecondary schools, adult education settings and private language institutes in the United States and abroad. It can also provide opportunities for preservice teacher education students to develop competence in working with English-language learners in their grade level and content area classrooms. It should be noted that the certificate alone does not meet the requirements for the TESOL endorsement from the state of Ohio; however, the certificate coursework will apply toward the TESOL endorsement program, which is offered at the post-baccalaureate level.
Specialized program for pre-service teachers who have an interest in urban teaching. Students are traditional undergraduate students who have indicated that they want to work with high-poverty and high-needs student populations. The program identifies pre-service teachers most likely to succeed in an urban school district, provides them specialized training, and pairs them with successful mentor teachers who can help them cope with the challenges of teaching in today's urban classroom.