Human Services (MSE)
Gain insights to help in your field of practice
As a UD Human Services student, you'll gain knowledge and insight into the practice of human services and counseling techniques. This 30-hour master's degree program is appropriate for people in the clergy, nursing, criminal justice and other related fields.
On its own, the program does not lead to obtaining Ohio's Professional Counseling (PC) or Professional Clinical Counseling (PCC) licenses. Many of our students simply wish to gain insight to help in their own fields of practice.
Students who intend to obtain either a State of Ohio Professional Counseling (PC) or Professional Clinical Counseling (PCC) license can enroll in UD's Clinical Mental Health Counseling (MSE) program >>
A High-Quality Education
Take Courses in Dayton or the Columbus Metro Area
Students in the Human Services program have the flexibility of attending classes UD's main campus in Dayton, Ohio, or at a satellite campus in the Columbus metropolitan area.
Explore the Columbus CampusUD and the Human Services program affirm that diversity, equity, and inclusion are inextricably linked with excellence, these core values align with our mission of building community in the world and working for justice for all people. As a Catholic and Marianist institution, UD embraces diversity and is committed to honoring the intrinsic value and dignity of all people, no matter their race, religion, socio-economic status, gender, sexual orientation, country of origin, (dis)ability, ideology, and other expressions of human difference. UD and the Human Services program commit to eliminating discriminatory or hateful words and actions, pursuing equity, and becoming known as a fully inclusive and welcoming environment for learning, discovery, and community engagement.
Study Abroad Opportunities
At the University of Dayton, we are committed to enhancing your education and expanding your global perspective through the life-changing impact of international experiences. While we currently do not have a study abroad program available, we are actively preparing for an immersive journey to a captivating destination worldwide. Stay tuned for upcoming opportunities, and prepare to broaden your horizons while crafting unforgettable experiences with us.
Graduate Assistantships
Graduate Assistantships are available with various departments within the UD School of Education and Health Sciences, along with the UD Division of Student Development. Depending on your area of study, you may also be placed in an off-campus assistantship. GAs are typically employed to work between 10 to for 20 hours per week. Tuition remission and a paid stipend are awarded for the nine-month academic year.