Chapel of the Immaculate Conception

Chapel of the Immaculate Conception
Celebration of the liturgy is the primary faith-formational activity of the Catholic Church. In and through the liturgy, Catholics are brought into the Paschal Mystery of dying and rising with Christ and are transformed into the body of Christ. As the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy (Sacrosanctum Concilium, 10) from Vatican II says, "the liturgy is the summit toward which the activity of the Church is directed; it is also the fount from which all her power flows.”
Since it was built in 1869, the Chapel of the Immaculate Conception has been the focal point of the University of Dayton. In terms of mission, spirituality, and campus geography, the chapel marks the central axis around which the University has grown: it is truly the heart of the University of Dayton community. Over the decades, Marianists have professed and renewed their religious vows within its walls; students and alumni have become engaged or professed their wedding vows in the chapel, and some Marianists and other members of the campus community have been eulogized from there. The ongoing stream of daily and Sunday liturgies celebrated in the chapel has shaped and sustained the faith life of the University. We invite you to seek out the chapel for a quiet moment of prayer between classes, at the beginning or end of the workday, or when simply walking by.
For Chapel inquiries, please contact Katie Mathews, Campus Minister for Liturgy and Sacraments.