Sensors Research
Providing Excellence, Innovation, and Value in Sensors Research
UDRI performs sensor-related research and development (R&D) for both industry and government organizations to solve client challenges and develop innovative technologies. In addition, we develop and implement novel technologies for improving image data quality, compression, and transmission.
Top: An MQ-1C Gray Eagle unmanned aerial system (UAS), equipped with 3rd Gen FLIR sensors mounted in a pod under the nose of the UAS. (U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Isolda Reyes)

UDRI’s CUE supports collaboration between government, industry, and academic partners to meet increasing demand for sensor and payload integration, systems analysis, flight demonstration, and unmanned aerial systems testing.

UDRI provides data processing and compression solutions spanning the remote sensing application space, including algorithms, data exploitation, image exploitation, imaging, and image/video applications.

UDRI conducts ISR research in RF and LiDAR sensors; radar systems and components; processing, detection, and data products; EO; LADAR; target phenomenology; electromagnetic effects and environment; and other areas.

UDRI develops ISR solutions for interoperability among mission systems, payloads, and platforms. We build, deploy, and maintain multi-sensor / multi-mission systems in support of our nation’s defense.

UDRI provides scalable computing solutions including power-efficient, high-performance data processing, high-level tools and languages, trusted electronics, anti-tamper systems, and FPGA and GPU heterogeneous computing.

UDRI has extensive experience and capability in object/target recognition, detection, and tracking using EO, WAMI, FMV, IR, OPIR, SAR, MSI, and HSI.

UDRI's Sensor Test and Evaluation researchers assess commercial EO/IR and SAR systems against implementation and performance requirements in order to support our clients’ rigorous testing objectives.

UDRI's automation technologies, sensor control, systems integration and exploitation capabilities span multiple platforms. We also provide an embedded platform for complex sensing algorithm testing.